Rachael Mawston

Teams Director
Welcome to our teams page, and thank you for considering joining one of our amazing teams at Glow Church. We have many teams where you can make a difference in the lives of others—some which are Sunday-based, and others that serve during the week in the church office and throughout the community. I look forward to helping you match your gifting to one of our teams soon! Below, you can read about our team's pathway, agreement, highlights and more.

As 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV) says, "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." Let's together, use our unique gifts to serve and bless others and see God move through His Church in amazing ways!




Every Sunday 10.30am
The first step to joining our team at Glow is to attend our Sunday services. This is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in our community, experience our worship, and hear inspiring messages. You'll get a feel for who we are, what we believe, and how we live out our faith together. 


Meet the team at Glow
Join us for our Welcome to Glow Lunch. You'll have the opportunity to meet our pastors, learn about our vision, and discover where we're headed as a community. This is the perfect time to ask any questions you might have and to find out how you can best be involved in our church family.


How teams work at Glow
The Team Agreement outlines how volunteering at Glow will work in practice as well as outlining our code of conduct. This  is designed to help you understand your role, responsibilities, and the support you will receive, ensuring your time with us is both meaningful and rewarding.


Many opportunities to serve at Glow
Now it's time to look again at the many teams and opportunities listed below, choosing one that you're passionate about and commit to. We want serving at Glow to be a blessing to you, so consider serving where you are gifted and be careful not to over commit. Our goal is to have a healthy team, which includes you being healthy too! 


Thank you for serving at Glow
The final step is to join one of our teams at Glow Church. By becoming an active team member, you'll have the opportunity to serve and connect with others. We are excited to have you onboard and look forward to seeing the unique talents and enthusiasm you bring to Glow!

Glow Teams

Use your administration skills either on a Sunday or during the week to support our ministries, assisting to help them run smoothly to have a greater impact for God's Kingdom.
Trio Coffee Shop
Serve up more than just coffee on the Trio Team! Create a welcoming space where people can connect and enjoy community. Use your skills to make delicious drinks and tasty treats, making everyone feel at home.
Help create a welcoming and safe environment as you guide and greet our guests to park their car, ensuring their experience starts with excellence from the moment they arrive.
Comms & Media
Join our Comms & Media team, where creativity meets purpose! Whether you're passionate about graphic design, social media, photography, videography, storytelling, creative writing - we would love to have you join our incredible team of creatives.
New People's Team
Help others find their place at Glow Church on the New People's Team on a Sunday! Use your friendly and welcoming nature to guide new people into our community, assisting them in getting connected to Connect groups, teams, and the life of our church.
Connect Group leader
As connect group leaders we have the privilege of disciplining our church community through small groups. As a leader you are responsible for gathering people together, facilitating group discussions and leading and supporting people to grow in their faith.
Host Team
Be the friendly face that helps everyone feel at home when they arrive, show them around and help them to their seat in the Auditorium! As part of the Host Team, you'll create a warm and inviting atmosphere, ensuring every guest feels valued and at home.
Glow Kids
Make a lasting impact on the next generation as a Kids Leader at Glow Church! Use your passion and creativity to teach, inspire, and guide our children, creating a fun and safe environment where they can learn about Jesus and grow in their faith.
Be a vital part of our ministry on the Prayer Team! Use your gift of intercession to support and uplift our church community, praying for needs, breakthroughs, and spiritual growth, and helping others experience the power of God's presence.
Production Team
Be the behind-the-scenes hero on our Production Team! Use your skills in audio, visual, stage management and lighting to create an immersive worship experience, ensuring every service runs smoothly and impacts lives.
Venue Safety
Ensure a secure and welcoming environment on the Venue Safety Team! Use your vigilance and care to protect our congregation, making sure everyone can worship and connect in a safe space.
Elderly Outreach
We have the privilege of visiting local nursing homes and bringing the love of Jesus to the elderly residents and we'd love you to join us. This is a once and month commitment and perfect for those with a mercy gift.
Worship Team
Lead others into God's presence on our Worship Team! Use your musical gifts to create powerful worship experiences, inspiring our congregation to connect with God and deepen their relationship with Jesus.
Glow Youth
Empower the next generation as part of the Youth Team at Glow Church! Use your energy and passion to mentor and inspire our youth, helping them navigate life's challenges and grow in their faith in a fun and engaging environment.
Young Adults
Be a part of shaping the future on the Young Adults Team at Glow Church! Use your enthusiasm and creativity to organize and lead hangs and events, fostering a vibrant community where young adults can connect, grow in their faith, and build lasting relationships.
Use your talents to be a part of planning special events at Glow Church! Use your planning abilities and creativity to organise and lead some of the special events we host at Glow throughout the year.
This team is for those with an eye for what looks good and for those passionate about interior design. Join this team to make Glow look and feel like home, a place people will want to come back to again and again.
Use your people and organisational skills to host our guest speakers when they visit Glow. This team is perfect for those with the gift of hospitality and care about how people are treated.
Every week we host a very special event where people can build friendships, be encouraged and enjoy home baked food with a nice coffee. If you love seeing people connect and like to talk, you'd be perfect for this team!
Stay and play is our fun toddler group that meets midweek for connection and play time for children. If you have a love to see children enjoy themselves and you enjoy meeting people, this is the team for you.
We are blessed with an amazing facility at Glow and we want to keep it looking it's very best. From cutting grass and trimming bushes to painting walls and building shelving, there's so much to do. Help us love our house and join this team!
Every Christmas we perform a musical for local school children and families in the community. If you're an actor, singer and/or gifted at production, this is a great team to serve with. Look out for audition dates or get in touch to learn more.
We hire our facility to the local community and businesses when we're not using it for services and ministries. If you'd like to help serve with our conference and events team, we'd love to welcome you on this team.
Join our team running the Sensory Space at Glow, providing a supportive environment for children with sensory needs. Help make a difference midweek by offering care and compassion to these amazing kids. 

Team Agreement


We are so grateful for your offer to volunteer at Glow Church and the sacrifice of your time. We very much want to value you and the time you are giving up and so this Team Agreement sets out how volunteering at Glow will work in practice whilst giving clarity around expectations.


You are under no obligation to work for the Church and it is not intended that the Church will employ you or make any payment of salary to you. We will notify you of the times when we would need you to volunteer, giving you as much notice of these times as we are able.


As you are not under any obligation to work for the Church, you are entitled to take as much or as little time off from volunteering as you choose. In order to help us organise our volunteers we would ask that you give your team leader at least two week’s notice if you no longer plan to volunteer on a day which you have previously indicated you would.


Please inform your team leader if you are unable to volunteer due to sickness on any day on which you have previously indicated you would volunteer. This will help us make any alternative arrangements.


Whilst there is no obligation to volunteer for any length of time, we recommend making a commitment of 6 months, at which time our Teams Coach will contact you and arrange to meet at a convenient time to discuss your experience on team.


If you wish to stop volunteering for whatever reason, we ask that you give us at least 2 weeks’ notice. This enables the Church to make any necessary arrangements to cover your absence. Should the Church for whatever reason no longer need you to continue volunteering, it will give you 2 weeks’ notice of this change in circumstance. If, however, your behaviour contradicts the behaviours laid out in the Glow Code of Conduct the Church may as you to leave team without notice.


If, as part of your volunteering tasks, you handle personal data relating to any employee, worker, contractor, supplier or member of the Church we request you comply with the Glow Data Protection Policy.


The continuation of you being a volunteer at Glow is dependent on your adherence to our Statement of Faith, Code of Conduct and your life being led in accordance with a good Christian testimony. The Church’s public profile and reputation are very important to it. We expect our volunteers to conduct themselves in a way which would not bring the Church into disrepute and not to make statements that would bring the Church into disrepute.


Your main point of contact during your volunteering with us is your team leader. You will have regular meetings with them to agree what you will do in your role as a volunteer and to discuss any problems. You will also be supported by our Teams Director throughout your time volunteering at Glow.


We are under a duty to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of all persons (including volunteers and members of the public) who are affected by our activities. You must take reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by your volunteering by cooperating fully with the Church’s health and safety policy.


You will not be able to carry out any volunteering activities with children and vulnerable adults until you have provided a copy of a DBS certificate to the Church. If you do not have such a certificate, you will be required to assist the Church by consenting to the Church carrying out a DBS Update Service check at any time. Until this process is completed, you will not be able to carry out any volunteering role which requires such a certificate.


The nature of your role as a volunteer is such that you may be provided with information of a confidential nature relating to the Church. Volunteers must keep such information confidential and not use or disclose it except as authorised or as required in the course of volunteering. All records created (whether written or electronic) including accounts, documents and notes about the Church and its activities and all copies and extracts of them made or acquired by you in the course of your volunteering shall be; The Church’s property, used for the Church’s purpose only, returned to the Church at any time on demand and returned to the Church without demand if you cease to be actively involved in volunteering for the Church’s work.

It is not appropriate to share personal details of church members with anyone without their prior consent. Please note that you may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement if your role requires it.

Glow Team Diary

Team Summer Party

Our Annual Team Summer Party is a celebration dedicated to honoring you, our incredible volunteers, whose hard work and commitment are the backbone of Glow Church. This event is all about you – our volunteers – and our appreciation for the invaluable role you play in our community. 

Training Events

At Glow, we believe in the continuous growth and development of our team members, which is why we offer a variety of training events designed to enhance skills and foster professional progress. Some of these training events are mandatory, ensuring that all team members have the essential knowledge and abilities required for our collective success. 

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend is one of the most significant events in our church calendar, and we encourage all volunteers to prioritize being part of it. Your involvement is crucial in helping us create a welcoming and impactful experience for everyone who attends. 

Connect Groups

At Glow Church, we highly recommend all team members join a Connect Group. By participating in a  group you will find a close-knit community where you can share, learn, and grow together in faith. This connection strengthens our church  and enriches your experience as a volunteer, ensuring you are supported and encouraged in your journey with us.

Christmas at Glow

The Christmas season at Glow Church is a magical time, highlighted by our special Christmas show, "The Gift." We ask all volunteers to prioritize participating during this festive period, as we spread the joy and message of Christmas through this amazing show.
Code of Conduct
We want to create as many opportunities for everyone to serve on team at Glow but understand that in some seasons of life it may be more appropriate to simply be in community and attend Sunday services. If this is the right time for you to join the team and serve at Glow, we ask that you would value and embrace our code of conduct.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of conduct which, although it may occur outside of volunteering hours could also be regarded as unsuitable to be on team at Glow;

- Where it relates to a serious criminal offence;
- Where it renders the volunteer unsuitable for the type of volunteering they do e.g. someone who works with children found guilty of child abuse;
- Where it is damaging to the reputation of the Church for example; drunkenness, use of obscenities, gossip, slander, dishonesty and inappropriate sexual behaviour.

Pastoral Approach
We value every volunteer and understand that sometimes life is challenging. We take a pastoral approach and treat everyone in the context of grace and compassion, while time is taken to consider the circumstances of the situation e.g.:

The severity of the perceived situation.
Whether the incident is a 'one-off ' or part of repeated behaviour or lifestyle.
Personal issues and challenges.
Level of responsibilities.
Christian maturity and understanding.
Evidence of repentance.
Ready to join a team at Glow?
Charity Name: Glow Church UK. Registered address: Glow Church, Long Tens Way, Aycliffe Business Park DL5 6AP. Charity number: 1154239. Company number: 08703834. VAT number: 178092383.
Glow Church Locations | Glow Gold Coast
Affiliations | AOG | Evangelical Alliance | Churches Together
© Glow Church. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Safeguarding 