We are excited to announce that we will be featuring an Easter Choir during our Easter services at Glow this year! This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to come together, be part of an amazing choir, and celebrate the Easter season at Glow.

Interest Zoom Night:
Join us for our Choir Interest Night Zoom on Thursday, February 27
(Link available upon request) 

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the choir, ask questions, and see how you can get involved.

You don't have to wait for the zoom to apply - click below and apply today!


Rehearsal Schedule:

You will be required to attend the rehearsals on the following dates;

Thursday March 27
Thursday April 3
Thursday April 10
Thursday April 17

Performance Details:

Good Friday: 
The choir will perform 1 song as part of the 10.30am ervice on Good Friday.

Easter Sunday: 
The choir will perform 3 songs as part of the 10.30am serivce on Easter Sunday.

If you're interested in being a part of the Easter Choir, please click the link below to apply:
Charity Name: Glow Church UK. Registered address: Glow Church, Long Tens Way, Aycliffe Business Park DL5 6AP. Charity number: 1154239. Company number: 08703834. VAT number: 178092383. Affiliations | AOG | Evangelical Alliance | Churches Together © Glow Church. All Rights Reserved