As Christians, firstly we give as a response to God’s amazing grace and his generosity in sending his son, Jesus Christ, for us. Giving can be of our time, our talents, and our financial resources.

Giving not only blesses others, but it is also an act of obedience and of worship to God. It is also a faith exercise reminding us that it is God who provides for our needs.

In the New Testament, the early Christians practiced communal support and generosity. Acts 2:44-45 describes how they shared everything in common and provided for anyone in need. Regular giving fosters a sense of ownership and belonging, reinforcing our commitment to the church community. When everyone contributes, it spreads the financial burden more evenly and encourages a culture of collective responsibility.

On a really practical level, giving to Glow helps us outwork the vision. Together, our giving enables us to run various ministry programmes, including worship services, children/youth programs and serving our local community. Financial giving also makes it possible to employ staff and maintain our facilities at Glow.
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Giving By Standing Order
One of the best ways to give is by standing order, or by making a direct bank payment. You can use the details below for either method.

Account Name: Glow Church UK Ltd
Bank: Wise Payments Ltd
Sort Code: 23-14-70
A/c Number: 27 499 830
Reference: (Your name)

Giving In Person
There are also giving envelopes available at our Sunday services for those wishing to give in person. Please pick up an envelope when you arrive at Glow this Sunday.

Giving Online
Online giving via Churchsuite is a safe and easy way to invest in all God is doing through Glow Church. Click the link below to create an account or sign into your existing one, and you can start managing your giving online.
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If you're a UK tax payer, we can claim 25p back for every £1 you give, directly from HM Revenue & Customs at no extra cost to yourself.

Please complete the declaration form below and note that you have to pay at least an equivalent amount of tax to the amount we can reclaim.

For more information about Gift Aid you can visit the UK government website;
Gift Aid Declaration Form


What Is Tithing?
The term "tithe" refers to a portion of one's income that is set aside for religious or charitable purposes. The concept of tithing originates from biblical times and still has significance today. Tithing is more than a religious obligation, it fosters generosity, strengthens the believer's dependence on God, and helps the church realise its goal. Tithing creates a framework to work out a heart and lifestyle of generosity in our lives. 

How Much Should I Tithe?
While tithing can help us set a specific percentage, it also serves as a baseline, encouraging us to give beyond the minimum we are able to give. While 10% is a traditional amount of our income to give, some may feel called to give more than this, especially if they are in a position to do so. In his first letter to the Christians in Corinth, Paul writes that “each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income” (1 Corinthians 16:2 NIV). The amount that you give will depend on your financial means, but we would encourage you to diligently pray and seek God’s wisdom in how much you should be giving. For some 10% may be an appropriate amount, for others it may be more.

Giving should also be a joyful experience and be seen as an act of worship. Paul writes “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV).

How Do I Contact The Finance Department at Glow?
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our finance team for advice about your giving. Call: 01325 329503 or email [email protected]
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Charity Name: Glow Church UK. Registered address: Glow Church, Long Tens Way, Aycliffe Business Park DL5 6AP. Charity number: 1154239. Company number: 08703834. VAT number: 178092383. Affiliations | AOG | Evangelical Alliance | Churches Together © Glow Church. All Rights Reserved